Strathearn Harriers - New Year's Day Run 2014

Crieff 10K

The next event is planned to take place on Sunday 13th JULY 2025 and incorporates the Scottish Athletics National Trail Championships for U20s and Seniors. Also taking place alongside the 10K will be the National U15 and U17 Trail Championships over a 5K course.



The Crieff 10k is an event offered under a Scottish Athletics permit. It is a multi-terrain race run over a scenic route with 220m total ascent, starting from Morrison’s Academy sports ground (Dallerie). The course goes out over Laggan Hill past the Baird Monument and back along the banks of the River Earn via Lady Mary's Walk.  Map of race route

Crieff 10K Facebook Page Like us on Facebook

We will again have access to the excellent facilities at Dallerie, courtesy of Morrison's Academy and the Strathearn Harriers post race buffet complete with home baking!  We're confident that you will be able to enjoy one the most scenic, friendliest and best value for money races anywhere, and look forward to seeing you all on the start line this year!

  • Start time 11 am
  • Open to all runners aged 16 years or older
  • Race limited to 300 runners
  • A snack, water and a momento for all runners on finishing
  • Chip Timing by pbTiming
  • 10% of race proceeds donated to charity
  • Course records:
    Men 32.45 - Robert Gilroy 2014
    Women 36.58 - Toni McIntosh 2004


Entry Central logo Online entry will be through Entry Central

The race will close one week before the race, or earlier if the race limit is reached. There will be no entry on the day.

Please read the full terms and conditions of entry and privacy notice before entering.

Prizes For...

  • New Male or Female course records
  • Winning runners in Male, Female, Vet and Local categories

Other Information

Local is within the PH6 and PH7 postcodes

Runners may enter the race in Male, Female or Non-binary categories, but no prizes will be awarded for the Non-binary category or any age sub-categories within it and only Male and Female categories will be captured in results used for Scottish Athletics ranking purposes. Gender neutral toilets will be available, but we are not able to offer gender neutral changing or showering facilities.

For more information about any aspect of the race, please email Crieff10k@ (but remember to remove the space after @ which is there to stop spam).

Thanks to The Glenturret Distillery for supporting the race, also to Morrison's Academy who make available their excellent sports facilities at Dallerie and provide prizes for local runners.     

                       Glenturret Crest               Morrison's Crest