Strathearn Harriers - New Year's Day Run 2014

Competition and Races

Throughout the year, we take part in a wide range of competitions and races. We encourage all of our members to take part in competition that's right for them at their current stage of development and performance level. This ranges from intra-club, fun events and junior parkruns all the way up to international competition.

In the winter months, we focus primarily on cross-country and indoor track and field, while in the Summer, we take part in Track and Field, Scottish Athletics Junior Hill Running League and various road and trail races. We also organise our own intra-club activities such as fun relays, mile time-trials and informal races to give everyone a chance to try competition without any pressure.

We use a colour coding system to help parents and athletes identify what's the right level of competition for them:

  • GREEN: Relaxed, friendly, with emphasis on participation and personal performance rather than finishing position. Enjoyable for ALL.
  • BLUE: A little more competitive at the top end of the field but still friendly, relaxed, inclusive and welcoming. Suitable for MOST.
  • RED: Attracts a high level of competition at regional or national level. May be more formal or structured or may be challenging terrain or requiring specific experience or technique. Worth checking with the coaches before entering these. Suitable for SOME.
  • BLACK: Highly competitive and formal. Entry may be by qualification or selection. Eligible to a FEW.

Click on the appropriate link below to find out more about forthcoming competition:

Hill Races

Track & Field


Cross-Country (Oct-Mar)

Social and other events