Strathearn Harriers - New Year's Day Run 2014

Scottish Athletics Inter-District XC (Glasgow)

Race Date: 11 January 2025

This championship was run in some pretty brutal weather conditions.

In the women’s race, well done to Angela Mackenzie and Monica Thomson in taking on the challenge. Angela finished in 63rd place (8th in category), in 38:10. Monica is currently missing from the provisional results - hopefully to be added soon.

We had three representatives in the men’s race: Harris Pagett was the first Harrier home, and representing the East District, in 32nd place (24:52, and 2nd in category); Jon Turnbull finished in 28:48 for 81st place (and 3rd in category); and not far behind him, Jim Reid in 30:36 for 92nd place (and 4th in category). Great championship running, everyone!

Race Results